It is a delicacy whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling/steaming. He pointed to his second wife next to him, who is 19 (he is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday. After waiting for a couple of weeks he took this reporter to the restaurant when he was informed by restaurant Manager that the spare rib soup (local code for baby soup) was now available.
This time it was a couple who have 2 daughters and this 3rd one was confirmed to be a daughter again. So the couple aborted the baby which was 5 months old. Those baby close to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency. Those aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China Currency. Those couples who did not want to sell dead babies, placentas can be accepted also for couple of hundreds. The reporter making comment that is this the problem raised from Chinese being taking too much attention in health or is the backfire effect when China introduced one child in a family policy (since majority prefers to have male babies and those poorer families need ended up selling their female babies.)
Please Stop That !
Plase Stop That !
Please Stop That !
Please Stop That !
Please Stop That !
Please Stop That !
please stop that!!!!!!!!!!
This is really insane! My goodness, its ultimate cruelty!
hoax reported by trendmicro : http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/hoaxes/hoaxDetails.asp?HName=Ba+Kut+Teh%3A+The+China+Way+of+Cooking+Hoax
Hoax my a** that is not photoshopped
Okay, this is cannibalism, and anyone doing this, as in eating, cooking, aborting, condoning this, will die, and when they do, their souls will burn in HELL. It's dumbfounding. Whomever thought of this is an idiot with no actual respect of human life. This isn't okay.
It isn't okay.
It isn't okay.
The lawmakers and enforcers of China SUCK.
As well as anyone who still lives their under this ridiculous rule.
You people need to set yourselves free.
It is impossible, I simply don’t believe this. This seems to be a fake photograph.
the bastard that thought this up ought to be boiled and cut open and made into soup maybe then those political assholes might take action,have these people gone mad that could easily be your own child your eating i think these people are doomed they are a failed race,they have failed their people and they continue to fail the innocent by allowing them to be slaughtered and eaten whats next china first domestic animals now your children will you then start eating each other and what if there is a shortage of your new crave do mothers then start waking up to empty cribs?
doesnt have to be photoshoped. think of alien, it looks real but its not photoshoped because of that
..did she die?
stop this
Leave it to them fu*king zipper heads. Thanks to them they are fu*cking everything up!! I hope they burn in hell for what they are doing!Bunch of worthless gook bastards!
Leave it to them fu*king zipper heads. Thanks to them they are fu*cking everything up!! I hope they burn in hell for what they are doing!Bunch of worthless gook bastards!
THIS IS AN INTERNET HOAX! Just Google (any search engine) "China Baby Herbal Soup" & you'll find it's a hoax!! Does this website check facts before posting or just post any racist thing?
Tahta f*ck Up
i Mean Respect life its really insane how ould they like it if their mom would do that its REally f*cking inhumane ahhh i cant believe human became like this Really .....First the aborting of Girl Babies AH i cant believe it o.O im really upset
This whole thing SUCKS! This is against human rights. D they know how inhuman this is??? I don't even think they're human so how will they know?!...Argh, who made this f*cking sh*t??? Whoever that person is is a stupid idiot...This is cannibalism for crying out loud...human babies aren't food...stupid idiots are the ones who should be cooked, broiled, roasted...in HELL!!! You're such an asshole...killing innocent babies are very inhuman as mention above...Don't you have a heart??? Iguess you don't for only heartless people would do that. I'm sorry for the cuss words but all the things we put here are true...He/She is a f*cking idiot!!!
(Filipino Version)Para sa kung sino man gumawa nito: HOY! gamitin mo nga yang maliit mong kokote...kinakain ba ang tao??? magisip-isip ka naman...P*ta kang g*go ka...walang hiya kayo...sana
kahit takot na lang sa Diyos ang isipin nyo...creations Niya yun diba edi irespeto nyo...wala kayong utang na loob...p*tang ina niyo...
F.A.R. and M.B.
This is cruelty...this is insane...this is inhuman...this is crazy...this is impractical...merciless...THIS HAS TO STOP!!!
I’ve been watching my stats for sometime now and one of the most viewed posts and one of the most frequent google searches that brings folk to EM is “Baby Herbal Soup”.
My most recent update – 21 October 2009 – is here Baby herbal soup: the Internet for sick fc*ks, this time the email hoax has been published on a (semi)reputable news site, The Seoul Times.
My original post on this cruel and quite disgusting email hoax is currently sitting fourth on my top posts list. I’m actually quite stunned that the hoax is still in circulation and that someone (or someones) has gone to a lot of trouble to perpetuate it through a variety of websites.
[EM's original Baby Herbal Soup post]
So, to set the record straight and in the interests of stopping gullible websurfers from falling for the simple three card trick, here’s the definitive post on why “baby herbal soup” is a hoax.
To save you the trouble, EM has re-investigated this story and prepared the following from a list of organic ingredients. No babies were harmed in the writing of this post.
This email hoax has a very offensive content describing a gruesome practice in Canton, China. People there supposedly use baby fetuses as the main ingredient of an herbal soup. Locally referred to as a sparerib soup, it is believed to improve health and sexual performance.
In a pseudo-reportorial manner, the email originator tells of a factory manager’s account of how his frequent consumption of the soup resulted in an enhanced sexual stamina. It also notes the prices of the dead fetuses, ranging from a few hundred to 4,000 U.S. dollars, with those babies who died naturally costing more than the aborted fetuses.
A horrid slide show featuring how the baby is prepared, cooked and eaten accompanies the message. Aside from the arguable pictures it presents, there have been no other proofs to validate the veracity of this email message.
Trend advises all email users to delete this email and not to propagate it anymore. [Trend Micro]
Trend Micro is a reputable internet security company.
I also came across a new site, not the original Handy Lanka wierdness, that purports to show actual pictures of the soup being prepared. I strongly advise you not to look at it, but the link is provided. CharonBoat is absolutely sick. Do not go there. Feel free to disregard my advice, but IMHO this is a feeder site for porn and God-knows-what.
However, my trawl there did elicit one piece of information that seems to confirm the hoax and give some explanation of its origins.
According to a comment, the images that accompany the hoax were part of a series by Chinese artist Zhu Yu that were meant to highlight issues around religion and cannibalism. According to the Wikipedia entry on Zhu the hoax emails began circulating in 2001. The entry also suggests that the images are of a doll’s head attached to the “body” of a duck. Zhu always claimed it was a real fetus stolen from a Chinese medical school.
In case you’re still not convinced About.com has also posted on this hoax and says that it is a form of “blood libel” in which various ethnic groups – in this case Cantonese – are slandered with a cannibalism tag. Who knows why some jerks get off on this shit, but in an age of racist ignorance (ie: the world today), such viral nastiness does find a certain fucked-up audience. This sample of comment from CharonBoat certainly seems to confirm such an analysis.
I’ve been watching my stats for sometime now and one of the most viewed posts and one of the most frequent google searches that brings folk to EM is “Baby Herbal Soup”.
My most recent update – 21 October 2009 – is here Baby herbal soup: the Internet for sick fc*ks, this time the email hoax has been published on a (semi)reputable news site, The Seoul Times.
My original post on this cruel and quite disgusting email hoax is currently sitting fourth on my top posts list. I’m actually quite stunned that the hoax is still in circulation and that someone (or someones) has gone to a lot of trouble to perpetuate it through a variety of websites.
[EM's original Baby Herbal Soup post]
So, to set the record straight and in the interests of stopping gullible websurfers from falling for the simple three card trick, here’s the definitive post on why “baby herbal soup” is a hoax.
To save you the trouble, EM has re-investigated this story and prepared the following from a list of organic ingredients. No babies were harmed in the writing of this post.
This email hoax has a very offensive content describing a gruesome practice in Canton, China. People there supposedly use baby fetuses as the main ingredient of an herbal soup. Locally referred to as a sparerib soup, it is believed to improve health and sexual performance.
In a pseudo-reportorial manner, the email originator tells of a factory manager’s account of how his frequent consumption of the soup resulted in an enhanced sexual stamina. It also notes the prices of the dead fetuses, ranging from a few hundred to 4,000 U.S. dollars, with those babies who died naturally costing more than the aborted fetuses.
A horrid slide show featuring how the baby is prepared, cooked and eaten accompanies the message. Aside from the arguable pictures it presents, there have been no other proofs to validate the veracity of this email message.
Trend advises all email users to delete this email and not to propagate it anymore. [Trend Micro]
Trend Micro is a reputable internet security company.
I also came across a new site, not the original Handy Lanka wierdness, that purports to show actual pictures of the soup being prepared. I strongly advise you not to look at it, but the link is provided. CharonBoat is absolutely sick. Do not go there. Feel free to disregard my advice, but IMHO this is a feeder site for porn and God-knows-what.
However, my trawl there did elicit one piece of information that seems to confirm the hoax and give some explanation of its origins.
According to a comment, the images that accompany the hoax were part of a series by Chinese artist Zhu Yu that were meant to highlight issues around religion and cannibalism. According to the Wikipedia entry on Zhu the hoax emails began circulating in 2001. The entry also suggests that the images are of a doll’s head attached to the “body” of a duck. Zhu always claimed it was a real fetus stolen from a Chinese medical school.
In case you’re still not convinced About.com has also posted on this hoax and says that it is a form of “blood libel” in which various ethnic groups – in this case Cantonese – are slandered with a cannibalism tag. Who knows why some jerks get off on this shit, but in an age of racist ignorance (ie: the world today), such viral nastiness does find a certain fucked-up audience. This sample of comment from CharonBoat certainly seems to confirm such an analysis.
Fucking South Korean people who believed and published this apparent internet hoax.
I don't believe such crap...If it's true ..please stop that...
Merciful God will rebuke and punish those man eaters....oh my God what an awful thing
What I say will sound offensive to many, but I don't really give a fuck, so here it is...
These images are real...there are many examples like this one that were leaked in the internet and you may have seen the "Bab-B-Q Babies in Japan" and "Tai Delicatessen" among others...and lets not forget that Issei Sagawa walks around free in japan...
There is a tendency for people of mongolian racial status like chinese, tai, japanese and so on to have the urge to consume fetuses or adult dead cadavers.
It is a fact that many of these hybrids cannot control the reptilian side of their DNA so they feel the uncontrolable urge to feed on human or hybrid human flesh...and they DO!
Of course when these photos were leaked the chinese government spread the disinformation that it was someones artwork...artwork?!!! Can you believe this!! You must be a certified moron to believe that these disturbing and inhuman photos are 'someones artwork'...
Of course there is a zhu yu person but who told you that the photos that he displayed in Shanghai were fake...do you know how much work money and expertise someone needs to make a special fx dummy half as realistic as this dead embryo?!!!
And to end the disinformation the performance art piece "Eating People" of the so called artist depicted a dead embryo and not a SFX doll...Zhu quotes that “I herewith announce my intention and my aim to eat people as a protest against mankind’s moral idea that he/she cannot eat people.” Just READ THE FUCKIN WIKI
So stop with all the BS and wake up....
PS If you're chinese eat your rib soup and STFU!
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