Friday, December 28, 2007
4 Weeks to Getting Slim, Strong and Sexy

1. Trunk Rotation
Targets: shoulders, abs, obliques
Lie back holding one 8- to 10-pound dumbbell horizontally in both hands about 6 inches above chest. Bend knees 90 degrees, thighs perpendicular to floor. Tilt knees 45 degrees to the left while bringing shoulders and dumbbell 45 degrees to the right. Do 12 to 15 reps per side. Crunch straight up, reaching dumbbell toward toes, for another 12 to 15 reps.
Too easy? Try this: Perform one rotational crunch to each side, then reach weight straight up toward toes; continue alternating movements for 2 minutes (about 30 reps each) without taking a break.
2. Alternating Shoulder Raise
Targets: shoulders, thighs, calves
Too easy? Try this: Perform one rotational crunch to each side, then reach weight straight up toward toes; continue alternating movements for 2 minutes (about 30 reps each) without taking a break.
2. Alternating Shoulder Raise
Targets: shoulders, thighs, calves
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a 5- to 8-pound weight in each hand. Rise up onto the balls of both feet. Keeping your heels lifted, raise left arm out to the side to shoulder height and right arm to the front to shoulder height. Hold for 2 counts, return to starting position, and switch arms. Do 15 reps per side.
Too easy? Try this: Do this exercise on a stair or at the end of a step bench to challenge your balance. Each time you switch arm positions, do 1 calf raise.
3. Warrior Lunge
Targets: shoulders, abs, butt, thighs, calves
Too easy? Try this: Do this exercise on a stair or at the end of a step bench to challenge your balance. Each time you switch arm positions, do 1 calf raise.
3. Warrior Lunge
Targets: shoulders, abs, butt, thighs, calves
Stand on left leg and hinge forward from the waist, bringing chest parallel to floor. Extend right leg behind you while spreading arms out to sides like wings. Hold for 30 seconds; come back to starting position (not shown). Bring hands to hips and step back with right foot into a reverse lunge. Hold for 2 counts, then bring right foot next to left. Do 10 reverse lunges with right leg, bringing toes to floor behind you; return to starting position. Switch sides and repeat combo.
Too easy? Try this: To challenge your upper body, keep arms extended overhead, palms facing each other.
4. Traveling Power Squat
Targets: back, arms, butt, legs
Stand holding a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell horizontally in front of your rib cage with both hands. Squat and hold for 2 seconds.
Jump up explosively, as if you're reaching over a volleyball net. At the same time, lift dumbbell overhead, arms extended. As you land, bring the weight back toward your rib cage. Do 12 to 15 reps. To modify, stand up explosively without allowing your feet to leave the floor.
Too easy? Try this: Travel a few inches forward each time you land -- this will force you to jump higher in order to propel yourself forward.
5. Alternating Push-Up
Targets: shoulders, chest, arms, abs, legs
Begin in a full push-up position, hands on floor under shoulders, legs extended and abs tight. Do 1 push-up. As soon as you finish, drop your knees to the floor and do 1 bent-knee push-up. Do 20 to 25 reps total.
Too easy? Try this: Either do all the push-ups on your toes or come to your knees on every third push-up.
6. Plié with Hammer/Biceps Curls
Targets: biceps, butt, thighs
Stand holding a 10- to 12-pound dumbbell in each hand, arms at sides with palms facing each other and toes pointed out. Bend knees 90 degrees, keeping knees aligned over toes, while curling weights toward shoulders with thumbs up; keep elbows tucked into sides.
After 1 rep, straighten legs (keep feet wide) and do a regular biceps curl, turning arms out 45 degrees. Lower and repeat plié squat and hammer curl; do 12 to 15 reps, alternating moves.
Too easy? Try this: Do the entire exercise balancing on your toes.
7. Clam Dig with Rotation
Targets: shoulders, butt, thighs
Lie on your left side with left hand supporting head, elbow bent. Bend knees 45 degrees in front of body. Hold a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in right hand with elbow pressing into right side. Lift both right leg and arm toward ceiling; hold for 2 seconds and lower. Keep hips stacked and right upper arm on side throughout the exercise. Do 15 reps; switch sides.
Too easy? Try this: Use 2-pound ankle weights (pictured).
8. Weighted Back Extension
Targets: shoulders, arms, back, butt, thighs
Wrap 2-pound weights around each ankle (or do without weights) and get on all fours. Extend left arm up to head height and right leg back to hip height. Slowly touch left elbow to right knee; hold for 2 counts, then extend arm and leg out again. Do 10 to 15 reps; switch sides.
Too easy? Try this: Place 5-pound dumbbells in front of each hand, then lift the weight as you extend and curl.
Cardio Component
This fat-blasting routine intersperses shadowboxing and jump-rope intervals to burn up to 300 calories in 30 minutes. If jumping rope is hard on your joints, jog or march in place or do a mix of calisthenics like knee lifts and side steps.
How to Whiten Your Teeth

How to Whiten Your Teeth on Your Own
Over-the-counter products are best for those who don't want to spend megabucks and don't need the instant gratification of a professional treatment. Follow these steps to get the best results.
1. Start with super-clean teeth. Toss your manual brush for a motorized version (try the Oral-B Vitality, $19.99, drugstores). "You can't possibly move as fast as a battery-charged motor," explains Richard Rosen, DDS, a cosmetic dentist at Madison Dental Partners in New York City.
2. Pick your method. Toothpastes and mouthwashes will contain the least amount of peroxide (approximately 0.5 to 1 percent) but can help brighten your smile by as much as one shade with consistent daily use. At-home trays and strips usually have more whitening power (from 3 to 8 percent peroxide) and are designed to have longer contact with your teeth for even better results (up to three shades lighter).
3. Read the ingredients list -- and follow the directions. Look for bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide and carbomide peroxide, which penetrate the enamel to temporarily oxidize the natural color of your teeth, explains Dr. Rosen. Remember, whitening isn't permanent, so your teeth will eventually either return to their original color or go darker than your desired shade.
How to Whiten Your Teeth at the Dentist's Office
In-office bleaching could set you back $300 to $600, but the 16 to 25 percent peroxide can lighten your teeth six shades or more. Here's how to get the most out of spending the extra money:
1. Get a professional cleaning first. Peroxide should immediately penetrate your teeth to lighten the color, not have to fight through layers of buildup. "Removing tartar before a whitening treatment will allow the active ingredients to work more efficiently," says Marc Liechtung, DMD, a cosmetic dentist at Manhattan Dental Arts in New York City.
2. Try at-home trays. This gives you the option of whitening at home while still getting the benefits of professional peroxide levels (it just takes several weeks to achieve maximum results). "Trays can be especially effective because they're in contact with your teeth on a daily basis," explains Dr. Rosen.
3. Or opt for a light treatment. Here's what pros are talking about right now: Discus Dental's Zoom! Advanced Power system, which combines a new whitening lamp with a 25 percent hydrogen peroxide gel to whiten teeth an average of eight shades after 45 minutes (visit zoomnow.com for more information and locations). Sapphire Professional Whitening system (877-586-4633 for locations and dentists) uses a UV-free light and a desensitizing enhancer to decrease sensitivity.
Whitening: The 4 Most Common Questions
Can bleaching harm my teeth?
There are no studies that have proven that hydrogen or carbomide peroxide can cause permanent damage, because they maintain the enamel coating, according to Dr. Rosen. However, skip a product if it has an acid on the ingredients list (although most brands on the market don't include acids, it's still smart to check the label). "It etches away the superficial layer, leaving a chalky residue," explains Dr. Rosen.
Why do my teeth feel sensitive after whitening treatments?
Sensitivity can be caused by overuse of at-home products containing acids (like citric acid), which strip outer layers of enamel. "You can feel a slight zinging to a more intense pain, especially with hot or cold temperatures," explains Dr. Liechtung. This is normal and should diminish in 24 to 48 hours post-treatment, but if it lasts longer, consult a dentist.
How white is too white?
On the shade guide used by dentists, B1 is the whitest hue. However, due to overbleaching, new shades have been added that are considered whiter than what's naturally possible (OMI, OMII and OMIII). "Teeth in the OM category can stop reflecting light and appear gray," says Dr. Rosen. To reach this super-white level you'd have to have repetitive professional whitening, which would likely not be recommended by a dentist.
Can I change the color of my caps and veneers?
No, only your natural teeth can be lightened by bleaching agents. Because caps and veneers are artificial, peroxide can't change their hue, so dentists recommend that you seek a professional's advice instead of using over-the-counter kits. Dentists can usually bring caps and veneers back to their original shade through cleaning and polishing, helping your teeth to maintain a uniform look.
Monday, December 17, 2007
How to Prevent Car Accidents

Top 10 Tips to Prevent a Car Accident
1. Avoid the "fast lane."
By using the center or right lane on multilane roads, you have more "escape routes" should a problem suddenly arise that requires you to quickly change lanes or pull onto the shoulder. Most highway accidents occur in the left lane. Furthermore, you are more conspicuous to highway patrol if you are in the "fast lane."
2. Keep your eyes scanning the area ahead.
Don't just eyeball the car in front of you but watch the traffic in front of that car as well. This increases your chance of seeing a problem while still having enough time to react to it, and decreases your chance of rear-ending the vehicle in front of you should they make a sudden stop.
3. Beware of blind spots.
Yes, adjust your side mirrors and rearview mirror to provide you with one near seamless panoramic scene of the view behind you, but don't rely solely on them. Actually turn to look directly into the lanes beside you to avoid missing something left undetected by your mirrors. Also consider the blind spots for other drivers around you, especially truckers, and try to minimize the amount of time you spend in them.
4. Drive with your hands in the 9 and 3 o'clock position.
Instead of the lazy, typical way people drive with one hand at 12 o'clock or both hands resting at the bottom of the steering wheel, this recommended position facilitates maximum vehicle control when you're forced into quick maneuvering to avoid a potential car accident.
5. Get racecar driver control of the wheel.
Another trick to maintain control of the wheel is to move your seat close enough to the steering wheel so that your wrist can rest on the top of the wheel with your arm outstretched and your back against the seat. This not only ensures your arms won't easily fatigue but they'll be in the optimum position for some last-minute evasive maneuvers.
6. Judge a driver by his/her car's condition.
If a car's condition indicates an inattentive owner because of body damage or dirty windows, it could easily suggest an inattentive driver, too. Also, drifting in the lane often identifies a tired, drunk or cell phone-preoccupied driver — so you should get away from that person.
7. Know your car's limits.
After getting behind the wheel of everything from minivans to exotic sport cars, our editors know the performance limits of the cars they drive. Pay attention to how your particular vehicle reacts in certain situations — if the vehicle leans a lot when you're rounding corners, this means that wrenching the wheel at high speeds to avoid an accident will be a scary proposition. It's also key to be familiar with the limits of your car's brakes and tires. How long does it take to stop when you apply maximum pressure? How much grip do your tires have? If you replaced your car's stock tires with a cheap set, chances are you've reduced its braking and handling capability.
8. Keep your car in good shape.
At Edmunds, we stick to the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule for our long-term cars. This ensures that they'll accelerate, stop and steer when we need them to. Reconsider the wisdom of "getting another 1,000 miles out of old tires" — if you encounter an unexpectedly slick road, you may find yourself rubbing up against the guard rail.
9. The nighttime is not the right time.
Some people like to travel at night to avoid traffic, but with it come certain hazards. In addition to your own increased fatigue and decreased field of vision, you need to be aware of joyriding teens and drivers who may be tired or drunk. Drive extra defensively around the witching hour, after midnight when some people are leaving bars, parties or sports arenas. And for goodness' sake, don't drive down a dark road with burned-out headlights or taillights.
10. Learn how to drive a racecar.
It may sound like a frivolous expense, but going to a high-performance driving school is one of the best ways to improve your skill as a driver. Here you'll learn what it feels like to drive a car "at the limits" and have an opportunity to practice accident avoidance maneuvers and skid recovery in a safe, controlled environment. Understanding how to make your car do what you want it to do in emergency situations could save your life.None of these are surefire ways to prevent a car accident. You can only control what you do behind the wheel, not what your fellow drivers do. But take responsibility when you drive and focus on the task at hand. It's not a time to return phone calls or shave or log onto your e-mail. Take it from our editors: Driving isn't a mindless activity, it's an exercise in self-restraint, self-defense and self-preservation.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007

As it grows out of our scalp, our hair is no longer alive. Once the hair is damaged, the hair has no way of repairing itself because it’s already dead.
So many things can damage our hair, and although natural wear and tear can't be avoided, you CAN protect your hair from many damaging elements.
Healthy looking hair has a smooth, tightly closed cuticle layer that protects the inner cortex from drying out. The cuticle layer allows hair to maintain its moisture balance, and gives hair its elasticity, strength and shine.
Hair damage can range from uplifted cuticle scales resulting in dullness and decreased shine to bubbled and brittle cuticles to complete removal of the cuticle layer. Damaged hair is dry, porous, weak and hard to manage.
Some of the signs of damaged hair are:
Hair looks dull and lack-luster
Hair feels dry and brittle to the touch
Hair is difficult to comb because it is always tangled
Hair is flyaway and has split ends
Hair is hard to manage and may be difficult to style
Some of the causes of hair damage are:
Excessive brushing and tearing of the hair. Excessive brushing or combing, especially when your hair is wet can seriously damage your hair. Hair is most vulnerable to breaks and tears when wet. Be gentle and use a wide-toothed comb (not metal though!) or a brush with natural fibres.
Hair pins, clips. These types of accessories clip onto the hair so tightly to stay in place, and often the tightness will cause hair to break. Never use rubber bands to tie the hair back. Use a fabric scrunchie or loose fitting comb or clip with rubber padding.
Too much heat. The best advice is to allow hair to dry naturally and not to use any type of heating tool. However, in reality this is hard to do. If you can't live without your hairdryer or flat iron, try to use it on the lowest setting possible.
Sun damage. Skin isn't the only part of your body that needs protection from UV rays. Summer sun worshipers are especially at risk for hair damage, but UV rays damage your hair every time you step outside into daylight-even in the winter. No, you don't need to wear a hat everywhere you go, but definitely be conscious of the sun's rays and cover up if you're going to be out in the sun for a while.
Chlorine and Salt Water. When swimming in chlorine water or in salt water, always wash hair afterwards with a clarifying shampoo. There are specially formulated shampoos for swimmers. The chlorine and the salt in the water can dry hair and make it very brittle. By washing the salt and chemicals out of the hair immediately after a swim may prevent this from occurring.
Over-perming. You should never re-perm hair until the original perm has grown all the way out. A normal perm damages hair, so a perm on top of a perm is a double whammy.
Over-washing. Yes, washing your hair too much can dry out your scalp, cause flakes, and lessen the natural oils on your head that protect your hair's roots.
Cold weather. Cold weather dries out hair more quickly because there is less humidity in the air. This dryness, combined with the cold makes hair brittle and susceptible to breakage. Weekly deep treatments can help to protect hair from being dried out.
The tip of each hair is weaker then the root, making it more vulnerable to breakage and split ends. Having the tips trimmed every 6 weeks helps to maintain the condition of your hair and its style.
Regularly washing your hair strips it of essential oils and can leave it dry and brittle. If you have naturally oily hair, use a mild, pH-balanced shampoo. When washing your hair don't rub the scalp vigorously as this will stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum. Champion Sports Bra
The action of rubbing you hair with a towel actually roughens the hair cuticle, which can lead to frizzy, flyaway hair.
Shampoo and conditioner that is not thoroughly rinsed out of the hair is the worst culprit for bad hair days. It counteracts styling products, leaves your hair looking dull, limp and unmanageable. Try to rinse your hair for an extra couple of minutes after shampooing and conditioning.
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Overheating your hair makes it susceptible to breakage and strips it of shine. A better idea is to blow-dry hair until its 80% dry and then let it air dry, naturally. Alternatively use a leave-in conditioner or styling product that protects your hair from heat styling. Also, hold the hair dryer at least 30 centimetres away from your hair.
Many people misdiagnose their hair type and subsequently purchase the wrong hair products to style hair. Using the right product will help to recreate that special salon style.
Everyday pollutants cling to hair and leave a thin coat of grime that dulls and weighs down the hair. Using a clarifying shampoo once a week will give hair a residue free fresh start.
Let's face it; we're not all beautiful models. Not all of us can get away with the latest, trendiest, most fashionable hair cut. May be that fashion cut can give you a worst look.
It all depends on individual, their texture, their lifestyle, their quality of hair.
Drastic haircuts take a long time to grow out, so be sure you want to take the risk before sitting in the char and letting your hairdresser go to work. Be specific and take lots of photographs to ensure you are getting the look you want.

Male Pattern Baldness:
On average, there are 90,000 to 150,000 hairs on the scalp. The hairs grow from roots called follicles. Blood vessels at the base of each follicle provide nourishment vital for hair and hair growth. Hair growth in each root occurs in a cycle independent of each other.
At any time about 90 percent of the hairs on the scalp are in the growth phase, while the other 10 percent are in the resting phase. The growth phase can last an average of up to five years, after which the follicle goes into a resting phase, which can last up to four months. At the end of this phase, the hair falls out and is replaced by a new hair. This is all a perfectly normal part of the growth cycle.
In fact, on a typical day, up to 150 hairs can be lost. Baldness occurs when hair is lost at an unusually high rate and hair replacement occurs at an unusually slow rate and/or when normal hairs are replaced by weaker, smaller ones.
What is Male Pattern Baldness?
Almost all cases of hair loss is the result of Male pattern baldness (or androgen tic alopecia). Male pattern baldness occurs much more frequently in men than in women. Even in mild cases it affects roughly 50 million men in the United States. Balding may begin at any age after puberty.
While some types of hair loss is reversible, male pattern baldness tends to be permanent. It occurs in a very typical pattern on the scalp. Hair loss usually begins at the temples and at the top of the head toward the back, causing a receding hairline and a bald spot. Sometimes progressing further until the two sections become joined, leaving a horseshoe pattern on the sides and back of the head.
Male pattern baldness progresses slowly and is not associated with any physical discomfort.
What causes male pattern baldness?
Male pattern baldness is thought to be a combination of hormonal and genetic factors. Testosterone and its more potent derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are the contributing factors of the degree of baldness. Whatever the exact causes of male pattern baldness may be, it is hereditary. A tendency toward baldness on either side of a man's family (mother or father) indicates The speed, pattern, and degree of the balding.
Usually, the earlier it begins, the more severe the hair loss will be. Balding is not caused by wearing a hat, you can’t regrow hair by Massaging or brushing, or excessive shampooing stimulates hair growth. These are thought to be false. Stress may contribute to a form of hair loss, but normal everyday stress does not contribute to balding. Sports Watch
What are the treatment options for male pattern baldness?
Herbal Shampoos
Herbal Remedies
Specialty Shampoos(for example Helsinki Formula)
Medication(Propecia,Minoxidil etc)
Home Remedies
Hair transplantation
In hair transplants, healthy live follicles are removed from a donor site on the scalp and transplanted to the balding area. The follicles are commonly taken in "plugs" of one hair to two hairs (micrografts) from the sides or back of the head and moved to the balding area, with the hairline being slowly reconstructed. Larger plugs may be used. Donor sites with full hair make transplants more successful. Some scarring may occur.
Transplanted follicles are usually permanent. Synthetic hair has also been used for transplants but has been known for to have a high rate of infection and has been banned. As with any surgical procedure, hair transplantation presents certain risks. If you are considering a transplant, consult your doctor.
A hairpiece can be custom made to cover a balding area. Hairpieces may fade and over time. It is important to clean the scalp under the hairpiece regularly. Another option is a weave, in which fake (synthetic) hair is sewn into existing hair.
This just a quick run down of what happens when most men reach a certain age. Here are a couple of sites that we have found that will educate and inform and give you everything you want to know about Male Pattern Baldness. The reviews are very positive and even might give you possible solutions to this problem that has afflicted almost every man for generations
Male Pattern Baldness:
On average, there are 90,000 to 150,000 hairs on the scalp. The hairs grow from roots called follicles. Blood vessels at the base of each follicle provide nourishment vital for hair and hair growth. Hair growth in each root occurs in a cycle independent of each other.
At any time about 90 percent of the hairs on the scalp are in the growth phase, while the other 10 percent are in the resting phase. The growth phase can last an average of up to five years, after which the follicle goes into a resting phase, which can last up to four months. At the end of this phase, the hair falls out and is replaced by a new hair. This is all a perfectly normal part of the growth cycle.
In fact, on a typical day, up to 150 hairs can be lost. Baldness occurs when hair is lost at an unusually high rate and hair replacement occurs at an unusually slow rate and/or when normal hairs are replaced by weaker, smaller ones.
What is Male Pattern Baldness?
Almost all cases of hair loss is the result of Male pattern baldness (or androgen tic alopecia). Male pattern baldness occurs much more frequently in men than in women. Even in mild cases it affects roughly 50 million men in the United States. Balding may begin at any age after puberty.
While some types of hair loss is reversible, male pattern baldness tends to be permanent. It occurs in a very typical pattern on the scalp. Hair loss usually begins at the temples and at the top of the head toward the back, causing a receding hairline and a bald spot. Sometimes progressing further until the two sections become joined, leaving a horseshoe pattern on the sides and back of the head.
Male pattern baldness progresses slowly and is not associated with any physical discomfort.
What causes male pattern baldness?
Male pattern baldness is thought to be a combination of hormonal and genetic factors. Testosterone and its more potent derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are the contributing factors of the degree of baldness. Whatever the exact causes of male pattern baldness may be, it is hereditary. A tendency toward baldness on either side of a man's family (mother or father) indicates The speed, pattern, and degree of the balding.
Usually, the earlier it begins, the more severe the hair loss will be. Balding is not caused by wearing a hat, you can’t regrow hair by Massaging or brushing, or excessive shampooing stimulates hair growth. These are thought to be false. Stress may contribute to a form of hair loss, but normal everyday stress does not contribute to balding. Sports Watch
What are the treatment options for male pattern baldness?
Herbal Shampoos
Herbal Remedies
Specialty Shampoos(for example Helsinki Formula)
Medication(Propecia,Minoxidil etc)
Home Remedies
Hair transplantation
In hair transplants, healthy live follicles are removed from a donor site on the scalp and transplanted to the balding area. The follicles are commonly taken in "plugs" of one hair to two hairs (micrografts) from the sides or back of the head and moved to the balding area, with the hairline being slowly reconstructed. Larger plugs may be used. Donor sites with full hair make transplants more successful. Some scarring may occur.
Transplanted follicles are usually permanent. Synthetic hair has also been used for transplants but has been known for to have a high rate of infection and has been banned. As with any surgical procedure, hair transplantation presents certain risks. If you are considering a transplant, consult your doctor.
A hairpiece can be custom made to cover a balding area. Hairpieces may fade and over time. It is important to clean the scalp under the hairpiece regularly. Another option is a weave, in which fake (synthetic) hair is sewn into existing hair.
This just a quick run down of what happens when most men reach a certain age. Here are a couple of sites that we have found that will educate and inform and give you everything you want to know about Male Pattern Baldness. The reviews are very positive and even might give you possible solutions to this problem that has afflicted almost every man for generations
Friends Clubs
Samanthi Mithuru Samajaya, Malwana
Reg. No. W/P 6655
077 4367480
Subhasiri Friends Club, Galigamuwa
Reg. No. KG 1555
035 5781721 (Sauri/Susantha)
Seuwandhi Mithuru Sewaya, Biyagama
Reg. No. WP 6748
011 4992494 (Nadeshani)
011 4987600 (Roshini)
Dedunu Friends Club, Nugegoda
Reg. No. WP 81708
071 6116330
Essex Fan Club, Hanwalla
Reg. No. WP 2859
077 3259995
Suhada Mithuru Samajaya, Gampaha
Reg. No. WP 223
011 4955188 (Sauwandhi)
033 4924672 (Thushari)
Pen Pal
We invite you to mail your name, Age, sex, occupation, address and contact details to admin.handylanka@gmail.com to publish in this page.
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Friends Clubs
Samanthi Mithuru Samajaya, Malwana
Reg. No. W/P 6655
077 4367480
Subhasiri Friends Club, Galigamuwa
Reg. No. KG 1555
035 5781721 (Sauri/Susantha)
Seuwandhi Mithuru Sewaya, Biyagama
Reg. No. WP 6748
011 4992494 (Nadeshani)
011 4987600 (Roshini)
Dedunu Friends Club, Nugegoda
Reg. No. WP 81708
071 6116330
Essex Fan Club, Hanwalla
Reg. No. WP 2859
077 3259995
Suhada Mithuru Samajaya, Gampaha
Reg. No. WP 223
011 4955188 (Sauwandhi)
033 4924672 (Thushari)
Pen Pal
We invite you to mail your name, Age, sex, occupation, address and contact details to admin.handylanka@gmail.com to publish in this page.
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Brilliance of Murali - Congratulation! 700 Wickets

Name: Muthiah Muralidaran
Pet Name: Murali
Born: Nattaranpotta, Kundasale in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Birth date: 17 April 1972
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Weight: 60 kilos
Schooling: St Anthony's College, Katugastota
Bats: Right hand
Bowls: Right hand off-breaks & others
First Coach: Sunil Fernando
First Club: Tamil Union & Athletic Club
Test Debut: Sri Lanka v Australia at Colombo (RPS) 2nd Test 1992-93
ODI Debut: Sri Lanka v India at Colombo (RPS), 2nd ODI 1993-94
> Murali equal the World Record of Shane Warne on 02 December 2007 at 2.04 pm, Asgiriya Sports Ground against England. Victim: Ravi Bopra
Matches Wickets Avg. 5WKt
Muralitharan 116* 708 21.70 60
Shane Warne 145 708 25.41 37
Murali's hand cannot be fully straightened. His elbow range of motion is limited and below the specified amount as shown below.
Depending on the direction of viewing, his arm may be seen as straight or bent.
3 views of Murali's arm. First and third views show a straight arm but the centre figure shows a bent arm. Most of the controversy is as a result of this illusion.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
How to Save a Wet Cellular Phone
Ever Dropped Your Mobile in a Puddle?
Usually it means that you have to replace your gadget, but sometimes, if you act fast, you can save yourself from an expensive purchase.
How to Save a Wet Cellular Phone
Step 1
Turn off your gadget and immediately remove the battery. No matter what you do, do not turn it back on. If you dropped your phone and it has a SIM card, remove that too. Some or all of your valuable contacts (along with other data) could be stored on it. To some people this could be more important than the phone itself.
Step 2
Dry it off as much as you possibly can. Even take a Q-tip and get into the cracks and crevices. You can never be too thorough.
Step 3
Put the gadget and battery in a dry, warm spot and wait. Don’t try putting the battery back into see if it works as this would risk damaging the phone with a short circuit. Remember: Water and electricity don’t mix …. don’t let your short patience get the best of you. You will have to wait this one out and your best bet is to let it dry for two to three days and not a minute less.
Step 4
Put your battery back in and cross your fingers. With a little luck, your gadget will be back in working order. Note: This can work for your kids’ electronic toys too.
If something other than water ( like coffee or soda) was the culprit, you may need to add another step… after drying you will want to take your Q-tip and clean the gadget with alcohol (use sparingly) and then dry again. Unfortunately, liquid other than water will corrode the inside parts and the longer it dries without being cleaned out, the more concentrated the substance will become.
Usually it means that you have to replace your gadget, but sometimes, if you act fast, you can save yourself from an expensive purchase.
How to Save a Wet Cellular Phone
Step 1
Turn off your gadget and immediately remove the battery. No matter what you do, do not turn it back on. If you dropped your phone and it has a SIM card, remove that too. Some or all of your valuable contacts (along with other data) could be stored on it. To some people this could be more important than the phone itself.
Step 2
Dry it off as much as you possibly can. Even take a Q-tip and get into the cracks and crevices. You can never be too thorough.
Step 3
Put the gadget and battery in a dry, warm spot and wait. Don’t try putting the battery back into see if it works as this would risk damaging the phone with a short circuit. Remember: Water and electricity don’t mix …. don’t let your short patience get the best of you. You will have to wait this one out and your best bet is to let it dry for two to three days and not a minute less.
Step 4
Put your battery back in and cross your fingers. With a little luck, your gadget will be back in working order. Note: This can work for your kids’ electronic toys too.
If something other than water ( like coffee or soda) was the culprit, you may need to add another step… after drying you will want to take your Q-tip and clean the gadget with alcohol (use sparingly) and then dry again. Unfortunately, liquid other than water will corrode the inside parts and the longer it dries without being cleaned out, the more concentrated the substance will become.
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